Index are one of the most respected providers of conveyancing support solutions and these include:
- Local Searches
- Drainage & Water
- Environmental Reports
- Flood Reports
- Mining and Ground Stability
- Land Registry
- Chancel Repair
Plus, many more services to conveyancing solicitors.
When Index wanted to build a seamless integration for their Visualfiles users, they came to us.
Our integration is provided out of the box as a single solution to link together both systems securely meaning that your fee earners can get on with managing their caseloads obtaining conveyancing services, obtaining updates and all key information from Index, all without leaving Visualfiles.
Our integration is provided with all the screens to update the portal and all authentication connectivity between the two systems.
Use your own systems and screens? Our integration is provided with incredibly easy ways to hook up your applications into the integration which take a matter of minutes.
Get in touch for a demonstration.